Page 1 of 9AKALARAZCACOCTDCDEFLGAHIIAIDILINKSKYLAMAMDMEMIMNMSMOMTNCNENHNJNMNVNYNDOHOKORPARISCSDTNTXUTVTVAWAWVWIWYNextHow did you hear about usInstagramFacebookGoogleYelpOtherHave you had a facial before?*YesNoApproximate DateWhat are your specific skin care concerns?Dry SkinAge Spots/SunspotsFine LinesOily SkinRednessSensitive SkinBlack HeadsAcneHormonal AcneUneven Skin ToneBackNextAre you pregnant, lactating, or plan on becoming pregnant soon?*YesNoList all known allergies (food, products, ingredients, etc.)Have you ever had a reaction to skin care products or ingredients?*YesNoAre you using any prescribed exfoliants?*YesNoAre you currently taking any medication that could interfere with a facial treatment? *YesNoBackNextDermaplane: Please Initial to Indicate Your AcknowledgementI understand that Dermaplaning involves the use of a sterilized surgical blade to remove fine vellus hair from the face and provide light exfoliation.The nature and purpose of Dermaplaning has been explained to me and any questions I have regarding the treatment have been answered to my satisfaction prior to procedure. I understand that the treatment may involve the risk of complication or injury and I freely assume those risks. Possible side effects of the treatment area can include mild redness, mild irritation, and dryness. Additionally, nicks to the skin can occur due to the sharp surgical blade. If a chemical peel is included with this treatment, I understand that the sensation and penetration of the peel will be enhanced. This may cause skin irritation, mild discomfort, tenderness, lightening or darkening of the skin, infection, scarring, peeling, and activation of cold sores, when virus is already present in the body.BackNextChemical Peel: Please Initial to Indicate Your AcknowledgementI understand my Esthetician will take every precaution to minimize or eliminate negative reactions such as blisters, sores, or other reactions. I understand that, very rarely, permanent damage occurs. I have given an accurate account of any over the counter or prescription medications that I use regularly, and I am not presently using (nor have I used within the last year) isotretinoin (Accutane), Retin-A, Acyclovir or tranquilizers. I have not had any facial surgical procedures, piercings, tattoos, permanent cosmetics, or other chemical peels or skin treatments that I have not disclosed to my Esthetician. I do not have a history of keloidal scarring, diabetes, any auto immune disease, active herpes blisters, or any other existing condition that may interfere with the positive outcome of this treatment. BackNextWaxing Consent: Please Initial to Indicate Your Acknowledgement I have given an accurate account of any over the counter or prescription medications that may interfere with my waxing service, such as to Accutane, Retin-A, Differin, Renova, blood thinners, high antibiotic use, Retinol and alpha-hydroxy products. I understand that it is my responsibility to bring up any questionable products that I may be using. I also understand that dry skin or regular skin sensitivity may cause irritation or tearing of the skin during a waxing service.BackNextCovid 19 Consent: Please Initial to Indicate Your Acknowledgement I have not had a fever in the last 24 hours or come into close contact with anyone in the last 14 days who is symptomatic or diagnosed with COVID-19. I understand that because esthetics involves maintained touch and close physical proximity over an extended period, there may be an elevated risk of communicable diseases and virus transmission, including but not limited to COVID-19. By signing this form, I acknowledge that I am aware of the risks involved and give consent to receive skin care services from my Esthetician/Blissful Beauty Bar. I understand that my esthetician has the right to refuse services if a client arrives ill. This is to protect the client, staff, and Esthetician.BackNextPhoto Consent: Please Initial to Indicate Your Acknowledgement I hereby grant permission to Shimi's Day Spa / MV Beauty to take photos/Videos to use for any confidential charting purposes. From time to time, Shimi's Day Spa / MV Beauty may use client photographs for marketing on the Shimi's Day Spa / MV Beauty website, printed marketing, or social media platforms. These photographs are used to represent and promote Shimi's Day Spa / MV Beauty treatments, skin care and other services.Please initial:*YES, I have read and agree to all terms stated above and authorize Shimi's Day Spa / MV Beauty to use photographs of myself on the Shimi's Day Spa / MV Beauty website, printed marketing, or social media platforms.NO, I do not authorize Shimi's Day Spa / MV Beauty to use my photograph.BackNextConsent for Facial Treatment: Please check to Indicate Your Acknowledgement I understand that redness, sensitivity, peeling or other reactions may occur from a facial treatment. I further understand that estheticians are not qualified to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease or illness and that a facial should not be a replacement for medical treatment.I understand that facial results are not guaranteed and that for maximum results, more than one treatment may be required. The rate of improvement of my skin depends on my age, skin type, condition, degree of sun/environmental damage, pigmentation levels, or acne condition. I certify that I have read this entire consent form and I understand and agree to the information provided in this form. I certify that I am at least 18 years of age, or I have a parental consent co-signed below.I certify that I have read the above consent and I fully understand it and give my consent to treatment. The treatments I receive here are voluntary and I release Shimi's Day Spa & Salon / MV Beauty and/or the Esthetician from liability and assume full responsibility thereof. NameFirstLastDateSign below*Clear Signature*BackSendThis field should be left blank